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Check out our deep dive essays (and podcast episodes) diving into the online business status quo with actionable ideas designed to cut the BS.

Welcome to Confessions of a Micro Agency Owner

Welcome to Confessions of a Micro Agency Owner

Ever feel like you’re drowning in client work while your team fires off endless questions and your to-do list seems impossible? You started your agency…

Halfway Highlights: Wins, Lessons, & the Inside Scoop on the Rest of 2024

Halfway Highlights: Wins, Lessons, & the Inside Scoop on the Rest of 2024

I love nothing more than getting a peek behind the scenes, and I know many of you are the same. In today’s episode, I’m taking…

Staying Solo: What Every One-Person Business Should Know

Staying Solo: What Every One-Person Business Should Know

Do you feel like you’re on a hamster wheel with your business? No matter how much you work, your work is never done, and you’re…

Mid-Year Goals Review: Refresh, Reflect and Reset

Mid-Year Goals Review: Refresh, Reflect and Reset

Here we are, nearly halfway through 2024. How does that make you feel? Some of you are probably excited because it’s summer. Others are thinking,…

Summer Vibes: Work Less, Play More

Summer Vibes: Work Less, Play More

The sun’s out, and it’s time to soak up the fun. But how do we do that and still have a business to return to…

The Antidote to Overwhelm and Overwork When You Work With Clients

The Antidote to Overwhelm and Overwork When You Work With Clients

Tell me if this is familiar. You’ve made your to-do list for the week and are overwhelmed by 10 a.m. on Monday. You have no…

Pricing Survival Guide for a Messed-Up Economy

Pricing Survival Guide for a Messed-Up Economy

Holy hell, the last year has been a wild ride. Having been through multiple economic downturns, I thought I was ready for a recession. It…

Making the Math “Math” for Your Service Business

Making the Math “Math” for Your Service Business

One of the worst pieces of advice I ever received about my business was related to my financials. And frankly, it’s the type of advice…

Exits and Evolutions: Change is the Only Constant

Exits and Evolutions: Change is the Only Constant

Running a business is like riding a rollercoaster—constantly navigating twists, turns, and unexpected loops. Sometimes, it’s thrilling, and other times, you feel sick because we’re…