What you need to know about LinkedIn

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What You Need to Know About LinkedIn for 2023 with Andréa Jones

Social media is constantly changing, and what you may have been doing a year ago may not work today. This is resulting in a lot of people taking a hard look at LinkedIn as a way to market and build a community for their business. 

In this episode, we’re diving into what you, as a service business owner, need to know about LinkedIn for 2023.

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For the last 18 months, I’ve been having this recurring conversation with many of my clients about social media and how they want to be on LinkedIn, but they’re unsure where to start. Combine that with people looking for platforms that aren’t focused on social video (looking at you, TikTok, and Instagram) or simply a slower pace, and LinkedIn becomes very appealing.

This is why I wanted to explore what we need to know in 2023 about LinkedIn, and the person I immediately thought of was my friend Andréa Jones. She’s a fellow agency owner, and I’ve been watching her use LinkedIn for her own business, including her weekly newsletter on the platform. Plus, I love how she’s always about a simple approach and doesn’t encourage people to be there 24/7.

In this interview, we chat about:

  • Why should people consider using LinkedIn? 
  • What misconceptions do you think people have about LinkedIn? 
  • What service business owners should consider when nailing down a plan for LinkedIn.
  • New features to explore or avoid with LinkedIn.
  • What will happen with TikTok, and what on earth is Instagram doing? 
  • The best way to get started with LinkedIn if you just want to dip your toe in.

Andréa’s Bio

Andréa Jones is the social media strategist who helps coaches and experts go from stuck to strategic, passion-led powerhouses and visionary thought leaders with her simple approach to social media: “take one little step each day. Build your social media savvy over time.”

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Maggie Patterson Abou the Author

I’m Maggie Patterson (she/her), and services businesses are my business.

I have 20+ years of experience with client services, am a consultant for agency owners, creatives, and consultants, and vocal advocate for humane business practices rooted in empathy, respect, and trust.

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