Solo Business Owners

You’re not playing small you’re strategically small

The most common business advice doesn’t serve most business owners.

The narrative focuses on building something BIG by scaling and hiring a team, yet the reality is that 80% of the businesses in the US are sole proprietors.

Choosing to stay solo in your business is valid, and you’ve got countless ways to run your business. That starts with having the right foundational elements in place to build a simple and sustainable business.

This is what Staying Solo™ is all about.

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What is Staying Solo?

Staying Solo is a framework designed to give you the foundation to build your service business in a way that works for YOU.

A business that truly serves you and supports your life.


Salary: Getting You Paid

You started a business to make money, so your salary should be the cornerstone of your business. It’s time for you to get paid consistently.


Space: Creating Capacity

To stay solo (and not drive yourself into the ground), you need to create time, energy and emotional space.


Strategy: Breaking the Income Ceiling

Avoid the dreaded income ceiling with smart strategies around your business, including packaging, delivery, industry and pricing.


Support: Gathering Your Squad

Being a solo business owner doesn’t mean you’re going it alone. Get the right support for your unique needs beyond coaching or courses.


Systems: Ditching Busywork

As a team of one, you need ways to maximize your time and cut the busy work—ditch complications with systems that simplify your life.


Seasons: Planning Practically

A big reason you started a business is flexibility, yet it’s easy to work too much. Plan in a way that serves you in the season you’re in.

Private Podcast

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Running a Simple and Sustainable Service Business

Sign up for this seven-episode private podcast to learn the proven, foundational strategies needed to build a sustainable business as a solo service business owner.

Staying Solo Private Podcast Mockup 1

Deep Dive:

Foundations for Solo Business Owners with Staying Solo

Check out these resources to learn more about each element of the Staying Solo framework so you can incorporate it into your business.

Ditching Busywork with Systems
Using Strategy to Break the Income Ceiling
What Support Do You Really Need
Rethinking Planning to Focus on Seasons
Carving Out Consistent Space
Getting Your Salary Paid First
Staying Solo: Your Framework for a Simple, Sustainable Service Business