Text that reads "Masterminds"

Currently, Masterminds are the only way to work with me on an ongoing basis.

At BS Free Business®, we do masterminds differently.

It’s not THAT kind of mastermind that’s about playing the online business game and paying to be in a room with a bunch of people you don’t even like.

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At the heart of all of our masterminds is the principle of putting people first:

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You’re Never a Number

We’re deeply invested in you. You’ll be seen and heard in our small groups. You’ll get personalized 1:1 support as a member of any of our masterminds.

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People Before Profits

Our businesses are committed to challenging the status quo and putting people first.

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We Pull Our Peers Up

Community is the name of the game, and we believe that together, we’re all stronger. We show up for each other when it counts.

We have two masterminds to choose from:


Established service business owners who want to stay solo.


Micro agency owners making $100k+ per year and ready to grow.


Text that reads Support

at BS Free Business

The vision for BS Free Business is to build an ecosystem of business owners who are doing business differently. Who want to break-free from the status quo and BS of the online business world.

While we keep each individual mastermind group small, we want to create opportunities for you to connect with each other beyond the group.

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Weekly Accountability Calls

Every Monday, our Community Director Sara hosts an accountability call that’s open to members of all masterminds.

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Community Events 

Think networking but so much better. This is an opportunity for people to share their expertise with other community members and get connected.

“When I joined the Agency Mastermind I was ready to build a team and an agency. I wanted to move into the strategist role in my company while creating a team to handle implementation of our client projects. What drew me to Maggie is that she isn’t trying to teach you only one way to make money or build your business.

There's room for you to think differently, ask questions, get insight from other amazing business owners — all while ultimately knowing you’ll be supported in making decisions that work for your business. What I’ve absolutely loved about this mastermind is how the one-on-one support and access to an experienced professional to brainstorm with helps me have forward momentum. I’ve got more clarity about where I am headed and what I want to build and feel more in-tune with myself and my skills. In Q3 of 2020 alone my company made what it took almost half a year to make in 2019! Maggie’s the real deal and is committed to helping you build a business that will weather any storm and is here for the long haul.”

— Danait Berhe,
Founder & Brand Strategist, The Asmara Agency

“Before joining the mastermind, I was craving one-on-one, personal guidance and accountability from another agency owner who's been there. Being part of this mastermind has helped keep me focused on the right things in my business and eliminate what isn't working.

What I wasn’t expecting was how having a small but robust circle of other agency owners to lean on and turn to has been so fun and rewarding. You're not just getting Maggie's experience — you're getting a whole group of agency founders to learn from and grow alongside.

Since joining the Agency Mastermind I've successfully been able to go after the larger corporate and higher-value clients I need to support the team I'm building, and that fit the long-term vision of my agency. I'm still on track to outpace 2019 revenue by 37%, even with the hit the economy has taken. Through some of the toughest and most emotionally challenging moments in my business, I've been able to get support that instantly puts everything into focus and gives me tangible next steps. Maggie goes above and beyond to be there when it really matters. The Agency Mastermind is hands-down the best investment I've ever made in my business and I never want to be without it.”

— Megan Van Groll,
Founder, Evoke + Engage

“At the time I found the Agency Mastermind I’d been dipping in and out of the idea of growing my business via digital services. I wasn't finding a place to connect with people who were growing agencies. Finding a group of people doing the exact same thing I am was so encouraging and I instantly noticed that the conversations in this group were NOT theory, but practical, real experiences and solution ideas. The entire mastermind, as well as the individual calls with Maggie, are focused around what to DO next and solving problems. She’s a consultant, not a coach and that was exactly what my business needed.

Since the mastermind started I've been able to take on more clients and increase revenue, even with the economic hits to my industry, which are brick and mortar fitness studios. Now, I feel more confident growing the right team and my services and systems are much more streamlined and profitable. If you're not a business beginner and want to learn from people who are doing that exact thing really well, this is the mastermind for you.”

— Connie Holen,
Owner, Pixality Design

“I joined the mastermind to get the next-level support I needed to reach my goals, especially doubling my revenue. What impressed me with this mastermind experience was the personalized advice I received from both the one-on-one and group calls — knowing I could ask specific questions and get advice and solutions tailored to my exact situation was amazing.

Being in the mastermind helped me make great gains with both my confidence and mindset. It’s pushed me to challenge some of my own assumptions that were limiting my income potential and helped me make long overdue strategic decisions about areas of my business like service delivery and pricing. Thanks to her deep business knowledge, Maggie is able to provide advice that isn’t only customized and tactical, but also realistic — without flashy or ineffective distractions. I’m on track to not only achieve but actually exceed my goal of doubling my revenue this year, even without booking any new projects.”

— Marlene Oliveira,
Communications Advisor and Copywriter, moflow

“I joined the mastermind as I wanted to be part of a group of people working on their businesses. Maggie has a no-nonsense approach that helps you build your business in a grounded and practical way. Best of all, she’s all about doing what works for you and providing guidance based on your specific situation. I loved the intimacy of the group and the live group calls.

Since I participated in the mastermind, my business has been financially growing at a steady pace and I’ve been serving clients in a deep way that I really love. If you're looking to really stay true to yourself in your business and want honest, straightforward strategies and support, then being part of this mastermind is so worth it!”

— Christina Ambubuyog,
Intuitive Strategist and Spiritual Teacher, I Love Intuition