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Check out our deep dive essays (and podcast episodes) diving into the online business status quo with actionable ideas designed to cut the BS.
Make Money With Your Side Hustle
You’ve been thinking about ways you can start to make money with your side hustle but aren’t 100% sure how to get yourself up and…
Episode 95: The Power of a Side Hustle Offering Services
The idea of a side hustle is nothing new, but so many times it gets a bad rap. We love side hustles, especially services side…
Using the ConvertKit Plugin for WordPress
You’ve signed up for ConvertKit…woohoo! And you can’t wait to start capturing subscribers…. but where to start? First things first — you need to get…
How to Price Your Services as a Service Based Boss
As a service provider, pricing can be such a head trip. For many of us, we take it way too personally. Figuring out how to…
Episode 94: How to Make Your Services Business Profitable This Year
We’ve all heard the saying: “You’ve got to spend money to make money.” But that’s actually not 100% true, and in this episode, we’re diving…
Find New Clients: Three Daily Habits
We all know that we need to find new clients to grow and sustain our businesses, but how do you do that when you get…
18 Ideas on How to Get Your First Clients
If you’re new to the world of running your own business and you work with clients, there’s one question that’s always going to come up:…
Episode 93: The Best Personality Tests for Small Business Bosses
Hey, what’s your sign? Personality test results sign, that is. In this episode, we’re delving into the best personality tests for small business bosses and…
Why We Switched to ConvertKit
We recently made the decision to migrate our well-established online business from using Infusionsoft to ConvertKit, and let me tell you…it was no small undertaking.…