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Episode 160: Using Strategies That Don’t Scale with Becca Tracey
Business owners are obsessed with scaling and are constantly on a quest for ways to automate so they can grow their business. Today’s guest Becca Tracey has made a habit of doing things in her business that don’t scale, and she’s sharing the lessons for all of us a service business owner.
I’ve known Becca for years, and one thing I’ve always appreciated about her is how she’s willing to go all in for her community but does it in a way that’s honest and has healthy boundaries. So, when I was talking to her about the last launch of her program and how she focused not on traditional launch tactics but on serving her potential clients by doing things that don’t scale, I knew I needed to find out more.
Here’s What We Discussed:
- Becca talked about her business and how she makes money.
- The reasons behind using very high-touch methods to help launch her group program, Uncage Your Business, and what some of the things were that she did to make it so successful.
- Why doing what “doesn’t scale” during a launch is a great lesson for service business owners and how people who work with clients can adapt these ideas to serve them in a healthy way.
- Continuing the super hands-on approach that people experience during the launch even after they are in her program.
- How Becca moved from 1:1 work into offering a group program.
- Staying visible and growing her audience consistently so she can continue to fill Uncage Your Business.
Rebecca’s Bio:
Rebecca Tracey is the head/only honcho at The Uncaged Life where she works with solopreneurs to get clear on their brand message, create packages that sell, and helps them learn what it actually takes to get and keep clients in this crazy online world (all while working from home with no pants on). She started her business while living in a van and loves rock climbing and riding her bike around Toronto with her dog Rhubarb on her back.
Summary: Three Lessons on Using Strategies That Don’t Scale
- People are tired and they want real contact with real people. Funnels, automation, and fakery on IG feeds have left us all wanting to connect in a real way with people. When it comes to making an investment in a service or program, people want to know you and learn to like and trust you. Becca shared how she knows her audience is tired of this and that the same old, same old launch tactics wouldn’t apply.
- Match the inside and outside experience. Becca’s group program is super high touch, so she made sure the experience BEFORE they sign up is the same by doing things that, frankly, are unscalable. As a service provider, when we think about our client experience, we need to match what we do before they’re a client to what happens when they are a client — and the reverse is true as well. Don’t be super high touch in the sales process and drop the ball when they’re on the inside and do a bait and switch with your team.
- Start small. I personally consider group programs a service-type business as they’re about service at their heart. Becca talked about how she started with 12 people, and it’s taken four years to build her program to the point where she had 140 people join this last launch. Good things take time, so be patient and understand how what you’re doing today could build into what you want in the future.
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I’m Maggie Patterson (she/her), and services businesses are my business.
I have 20+ years of experience with client services, am a consultant for agency owners, creatives, and consultants, and vocal advocate for humane business practices rooted in empathy, respect, and trust.
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