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Check out our deep dive essays (and podcast episodes) diving into the online business status quo with actionable ideas designed to cut the BS.

image of maggie with text that reads "how i really work with clients"

How I Really Work With Clients

Have you ever had a coach try to jam you and your business into a cookie-cutter system or blueprint? I know I have, and spoiler…

image of people shaking hands with text that reads "trust first pricing principles"

Trust First Pricing Principles

Pricing your services can be a tricky balance of not overvaluing or undervaluing what you do. Here are some pricing principles to help you get started including a few that may surprise you.

image of becca rich with text that reads "creating time freedom"

Creating Time Freedom and Breaking Free from the Hustle with Becca Rich

When it comes to entrepreneurship one of the most common images we see have to do with hustling harder and harder to make things happen.…

image of business analytics and cash with text that reads "income claim marketing"

The Big Problem with Income Claim Marketing

Anyone can say their business makes 7 or eight figures, but how do you know for sure? Here’s what you need to know about income claim marketing including why it’s all about making the sale, and why we need to rethink our goals.

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Your Burning Questions Answered

When it comes to running a service business there are so many different elements of what we do. And that means that while I publish…

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Sustainable Visibility™ & Pitching Podcasts with Mai-Kee Tsang

Trigger Warning: Before we dive into this episode, I wanted to give you a heads up that this episode includes discussion of sexual abuse and…

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Paying Your Team: What You Need to Know

This is an updated version of a post originally published on July 23, 2020.  I often get asked how much people should be paying their…

image of a woman holding a magnifying glass with text that reads "how to spot a celebrity entrepreneur"

How to Spot a Celebrity Entrepreneur

We’ve all been sucked in by great marketing and bought something we didn’t need. Here’s what you need to know about the 2021 celebrity entrepreneur – what to watch for an how to spot one in the wild.

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The Basics of Capacity Planning

We’ve all been there. Things are going great, but then we realize that we’ve bitten off more work than we can chew. We’re slammed. Overwhelmed…