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The Dynamics of Delegation with Bekka Prideaux
What do you think of when you hear the word delegation? Do you get excited? Or do you get a little sweaty or want to groan as it feels hard?
All of that is super normal, and in this episode, we’re diving into the dynamics of delegation with our guest Bekka Prideaux. And spoiler alert: delegation isn’t just having a team, it matters if you work with clients at all!

I’ve always had a challenging relationship with delegation, and it’s not something that comes naturally. I’m definitely kind of Type A, and I like things done a certain way, so I’ve had to learn how to build my delegation muscle.
In recent years, the person who’s helped me do that is my leadership coach Bekka Prideaux and it’s the reason she’s the in-house leadership coach for the 2022 Agency Mastermind.
In this episode, she shares how to improve your delegation skills with your team and clients. (And trust me, when you get better at this, you’ll be delegating to everyone!)
In this episode, we discuss:
- The biggest misconceptions around delegation.
- The easiest way to get better at delegating, complete with Bekka’s framework.
- Why delegation is a must-have skill if you work with clients.
- My experience using my delegation skills with our clients.
- What to watch for when delegating to our teams.
- Common trouble spots with delegation.
About Bekka
Bekka is a Leadership Development Coach and Consultant. For the last 30 years, she has worked with some of the most recognizable brands in the world on leadership development, project management and business improvement initiatives. She brings a unique blend of experience and coaching strategies to her work with technical experts and specialists, as they step into their roles as leaders.
Over the year’s Bekka has seen the impact leaders have on the people around them and often it’s not great. Unintentionally, leaders create workplaces where people don’t thrive and as a result their businesses suffer as much as the people do. No one wants to be one of those leaders and it’s her belief that everyone deserves to work with a great leader. That’s why she spends her time enabling leaders to shine and create working worlds that work for everyone. It’s also why she created Curious Choice Leadership, a different way of being a leader and thinking about what you do.
Most people don’t set out to be a leader but as their team and business grow they find themselves facing increasingly complex interconnected choices about things they haven’t had to consider before. Leveraging her expertise in coaching, leadership and teamwork. Bekka helps people make leadership choices that achieve their business goals, motivate their team and develop a business people want to work with.
Links for This Episode
Bekka’s Website
Delegation Workshops

I’m Maggie Patterson (she/her), and services businesses are my business.
I have 20+ years of experience with client services, am a consultant for agency owners, creatives, and consultants, and vocal advocate for humane business practices rooted in empathy, respect, and trust.
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