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Check out our deep dive essays (and podcast episodes) diving into the online business status quo with actionable ideas designed to cut the BS.
How to Create a Profitable Package for Your Service Business
When you offer services, there’s a lot of different ways to package your brilliance and sell it. While the idea of packages are nothing new,…
Episode 120: Power Move: Creating Your Signature Service
Want to make more money and uplevel your business? You need a signature service! In this episode, I’m sharing what this is, where to start…
Episode 119: Adding Services for Stability with Hailey Dale
Maybe you’ve been thinking about adding a product or program to the mix with your services…but what if services are really what you need for…
Creating Your Ideal Week When You Work With Clients
The reality of working with clients means, for many of us, that the work we need to do to maintain or grow our business is…
Episode 118: The Recap: June 2018
After a rather trying May, the month of June was a breath of fresh air. Seriously! June ended up being an amazing month, and I’ve…
3 Monthly Practices to Meet Your Business Goals
When it comes to setting business goals, the process of scheming and dreaming is the fun part of the process. Being able to meet your…
Episode 117: Managing Growth and Giving Up Control with Danielle Liss
What happens when you’re ready to grow, but you’re kind of Type A and giving up control feels like too much work? Or you’re growing…
Goal Setting for Bosses: Creating a 12 Week Year Plan
As a boss, you have no shortage of ambition. After all, you’re doing this for a reason, and all of your dreams and goals need…
Episode 116: How to Get Paid On Time, Every Time
You sent the invoice. And…it’s crickets. It’s been days, and there’s no payment in sight. In fact, you think the client may be avoiding you.…