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Check out our deep dive essays (and podcast episodes) diving into the online business status quo with actionable ideas designed to cut the BS.

image of a desk with text that reads "creatives coaches and consultants"

Creatives, Coaches and Consultants: Not All Service Businesses Are the Same

2022 is here, and a new year brings with it an opportunity for each of us to look at how we run our businesses and do things a little differently. In this episode, I’m digging into what I’ll be increasingly focusing on in the year to come, and calling on you to do the same.

image of maggie with text that reads "secrets of success"

Secrets of Success From 17 Years in Business

Back in May 2005 I started my business. 17 years later, I’m still here, and let me tell you I’ve learned a lot along the…

image of woman on the phone with text that reads "selling strategy"

7 Mistakes to Watch For When Selling Strategy

Strategy. You know you need to be selling it, but maybe your offer isn’t right, you’re having a hard time selling it or you literally…

write better proposals

How to Write Better Proposals in 2022

My name is Maggie, and if there’s a hill I’m likely going to die on it’s that your creative or consulting business needs a proposal.…

vip days and retainers

VIP Days and Retainers: What’s Right For You?

When you run a service business, you’ve got countless options for how you package and deliver your services. This can be overwhelming, especially when hot…

Firing a client

Firing a Client: How to Handle It Like a Pro

Firing a client is something nobody really wants to talk about, but when running a service-based business it’s a reality that comes with the territory.…

avoid awkward client moments

The Top 10 Awkward Client Moments (and How to Avoid Them)

We’ve all had those moments. The moments where things just got super awkward with a client, and you’re ready to crawl into a hole. While…

awkward client situations

Awkward Client Situations: What To Do When Things Get Sticky

No matter how good you are at what you do, or how long you’ve been doing it, awkward client situations happen. I’m talking about things…

Find a mastermind group

Want to Find a Mastermind Group? Here’s What You Should Know.

Running a service business can be a challenge, which is why so many of us need support. One of the best ways to do that…