October 2018 recap

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Episode 134: October 2018 Recap

It’s that time again where we take a look back at the month before, and for October 2018, I’m giving you the scoop on all the ups and downs! Let’s do this.

October was, well it was. We had a lot going on in terms of client deliverables, and it was a month that was really about our clients. And honestly, that’s not a bad thing. After September, which was very much about being “ON,” October gave me some breathing room.

So, here’s what happened:

Scoop Studios

Let’s start off by talking about new business as I shared last month the goal was two new clients or projects per month for the rest of the year.

Mission accomplished. One of our existing clients had a project for us, and then we had a legit DREAM CLIENT come our way. For said dream client, we’re doing a test project to start, but so far so good. They’ve been extremely positive about what we’ve provided, and I’m busting my butt to turn them into a bigger ongoing client.

What’s interesting about them — and there’s a lesson here — is that I couldn’t get a good read on them from our initial exchange. In fact, I was a bit leary based on what they said, but I decided to give it a shot. (I have a long history of trying to resist the clients that turn out to be the best ones for some reason.) On our consult call, we connected, but everything they said about their past agencies really struck a chord with me, and I knew we were different. So cross your bits for us that this turns into something big!

All of that happened in the first two weeks of the month, so I really felt like the rest of the month was slow. Truth is, I really love new business. It’s where I get most excited — the thrill of the chase and getting the yes motivates me. It’s really affirming, and I can’t see that I’d give up that entirely no matter how much we grow.

Speaking of growth, as we wrap up some of our bigger projects for the year, I have this urge to nest and get things organized for 2019. Given where we’re at, I know that for us to grow at all in the new year, we need to update some of our systems and procedures.

Part of that was finding a way to centralize it in one spot, and O.M.G. AirTable is the answer to my nerdy dreams. It’s attractive, and like a spreadsheet but fancy and awesome.

We also had a few unexpected curve balls this month with one of our core team members landing in the hospital for two weeks. That meant the rest of us were picking up the slack, and it really highlighted to both Sara and me how we need more help and to move around some of our responsibilities. As a result, we’re hiring a new role, a comms and community coordinator, and we’re in the throes of the interviews and test projects. We’ve got a great pool of candidates and if I could hire all of them, I would.

In the November recap, I’ll share the hiring process and where we landed with everything. My goal for 2019 is to remove myself from a lot of the day-to-day questions and empower the team even more, so this will be a core part of this.

And, speaking of 2019, if you need help with your content, the Content Sidekick can help! We’re looking for some smart cookie business owners to team up with for their blog or podcast to make them look like the superstars they are. (And free up their time to do what they do best!) 

What I’m most excited about are the results Sidekick clients are getting. One has seen a boost in open rates and engagement resulting in clients, and another is just about to launch her podcast. (After thinking about it for years!)

Small Business Boss

Now let’s talk Small Business Boss!

First order of business is that we really got into the Society this month with our first Success Mapping session — which was AMAZING. I love knowing everyone’s committing to making working ON their business a priority.

Also, the community is really supporting each other — it’s not just me going in and answering questions. They are taking care of each other which is EXACTLY what I want to see — as it’s not my community but our community. We’re in this together.

Now, all things SBB are focused on the Double It Mastermind enrollment starting later this month. The 2019 mastermind is already looking good with current members returning, a solid waitlist, and I am stoked. I had to do some math to look at how many spots we really have, and I’m aiming for between 16 and 22 people total for the year. If I land on the higher end, I’m likely not going to offer more than 1 or 2 mentoring spots for 2019, but we’ll see!

If you want ongoing support from an amazing community with 1:1 time with me, watch for all the Double It details coming soon! If you want details on the mastermind when it opens up, you can get on the waitlist at smallbusinessboss.co/double.

But wait, that’s not all. I did something a little crazy, and I’m ready for it. I signed a contract for a venue for the Small Business Boss Summit in June 2019. The event will take place in Ottawa and I’ve already got speakers lined up. I’m sure I’ll be sharing LOTS about this as it gets closer, but having the right event space is a relief for now.

I also made the decision to FINALLY start doing two podcast episodes per week and that starts mid-November! So yay! The podcast is really the heart of Small Business Boss, and it’s time for me to step things up and give you MORE of what you need to grow your service business.

Speaking of the podcast, thank you to all of you who’ve left reviews in the last couple weeks. I really appreciate you! Shout out to Kbeinsconsulting and “All nicknames taken” for your kind reviews in October.

If you want to support the show, rate or review us on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to us.

And finally, I wanted to share a few things on a personal note, as 2018 has been a big old adventure. A couple of weeks ago, my mother had her last chemo appt after her double cancer ordeal since the spring, and her house is sold! At the time this airs, she’ll be moving, and we can all start a new chapter.

Many of you have asked me how Brit is doing, and I had a great hour+ long Skype chat with her a week or so ago. She’s well, and I gotta say, I’m proud of how we’ve handled our breakup and our friendship in the aftermath. (And if you’re looking for drama, keep moving! Nothing to see here.)

Here are a few things I’m loving right now:

  • Simple Habit app for meditation
  • The Happy Planner for my day-to-day planning
  • Bodyguard on Netflix (And this is NOT the Whitney Houston one!)
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Maggie Patterson Abou the Author

I’m Maggie Patterson (she/her), and services businesses are my business.

I have 20+ years of experience with client services, am a consultant for agency owners, creatives, and consultants, and vocal advocate for humane business practices rooted in empathy, respect, and trust.

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