building a business by blending products and services with zoe linda

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Building a Business by Blending Products and Services with Zoe Linda

As a service business owner, you’ve probably wondered if you should add products to reach new people and grow your revenue. But we all know it’s easier said than done, so what should you consider before you dive in?

In this episode, Zoe Linda shares how she blended products and services and adapted her offerings over time to meet her needs.

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Service business owners often ask me how they could add products to generate additional revenue. While I’m unflinchingly honest about the differences between offering products and services, I think it’s possible to offer both.

As part of the Exits and Evolutions series, I wanted to include a conversation with someone who’s incorporated both products and services into their business, and the first person I thought of was Zoe.

I first connected with her after buying one of her products and have had the opportunity to work with her over the years, so I’ve had a front-row seat to how she offers both. I’ve always appreciated how transparent she is about how she runs her business and prioritizes her needs as a human first.

I’m confident you’ll appreciate that candor in our conversation, during which we explore different products and services, how she’s structured her VIP days, and more.

Here’s what we covered in our conversation:

  • Zoe shares how she’s built her business with digital products, courses, and client work, including insights into what worked and what didn’t. 
  • She shares her ongoing battle of prioritizing and executing ideas while juggling client demands.
  • How Zoe has used products to reach more people and build community.
  • The important role of market research and validation and provides valuable tips on how to ensure you’re creating things people actually want. 
  • Exploring pricing and scheduling for day rates, and how Zoe has learned to set boundaries and stay motivated on those days. 
  • The different types of clients that Zoe works with and how creating a productized service impacted her business. 
  • An honest look at managing capacity and not compromising your values for revenue.

About Zoe

Zoe Linda helps online business owners start and grow their affiliate or referral programs to get more organic leads, sales, and bookings through word-of-mouth recommendations.

Links for this Episode:

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Maggie Patterson Abou the Author

I’m Maggie Patterson (she/her), and services businesses are my business.

I have 20+ years of experience with client services, am a consultant for agency owners, creatives, and consultants, and vocal advocate for humane business practices rooted in empathy, respect, and trust.

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