Welcome to the BS Free Service Business Podcast

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The BS-Free Service Business show (from BS Free Business®) is THE show for freelancers, creatives and agency owners. The show is designed to provide no BS insights into running a simple and sustainable services business.

If you work with clients and run a service business,

You're in the right place.

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on the Podcast

get more clients

Episode 91: Four Proactive Ways to Get More Clients

We’re willing to bet you’ve got some big goals in mind for the next few months or even the year, and those goals likely involve making more money. Making more money usually means you’re gonna need more clients.  In this episode, we’re talking about proactive ways to get more clients. Here’s the scoop from Episode…

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What’s up for 2018

Episode 90: 2018 Here We Come

Hello, 2018! It’s a new year and we couldn’t be more excited! In this episode, we’re giving you a bit of a behind the curtain peek into what’s up with us for 2018. Let’s do this!   Here’s the scoop from Episode #90: Happy New Year! We’re super excited to have a fresh new year,…

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biggest lessons

Episode 89: Our Recap of 2017 and Our Biggest Lessons

2017 is nearly a wrap and we’re big fans of reflection, so in this episode, we’re taking you behind the scenes in our business to share our wins and lessons from the past year. Here’s the scoop from Episode #89: One of the things we’ve heard from you, our listeners, is that while you like…

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Success for 2018

Episode 88: Five Ways to Supercharge Your Success for 2018

It’s that time of year, the time when we’re planning and plotting how things will be different. How we’ll have our best year ever. How we’ll go all Oprah on the situation and be our best selves. But how exactly are we going to do that? In this episode, we’re breaking down specific ways to…

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Private Podcast

Red Mark Staying Solo 1
Staying Solo Logo Horizontal

Running a Simple and Sustainable Service Business

Sign up for this seven-episode private podcast to learn the proven, foundational strategies needed to build a sustainable business as a solo service business owner.

Staying Solo Private Podcast Mockup 1