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Check out our deep dive essays (and podcast episodes) diving into the online business status quo with actionable ideas designed to cut the BS.

Agency owner

Episode 208: Behind-the-Scenes with Agency Owner Rita Barry

In a world full of other agencies doing the same thing as you, it’d be so easy to simply blend in, and end up struggling.…

Nechelle Bartley

Episode 206: Stop Worrying About the $5 Latte with Nechelle Bartley

Most of us have financial goals that involve making more money. But what if in the pursuit of making more money, we’re focused on the…

Simple client experience

Episode 205: Creating a Deliberately Simple Client Experience

When you make your money by serving clients, the experience you create can make or break your business. But I’ve noticed that many times bosses…


Episode 204: All Things Enneagram with Chrissie Wywrot

If there’s one thing entrepreneurs love, it’s personality tests. And it’s no surprise as we’re relentless in our personal development work, and these tests help…

client proposals

Episode 203: Real-Life Insights From a Year of Client Proposals

Back in 2016, when I started my marketing agency, one of the very first things I did was look at the entire sales process from…

Behind-the-Scenes with Social Media Strategist Andrea Jones

Episode 202: Behind-the-Scenes with Social Media Strategist Andrea Jones

Many times we have ideas that can hold us back or result in bumps along the way. In this episode of the Small Business Boss…

Running on referrals

Episode 201: Running on Referrals: Making the Most of Your #1 Revenue Source

I recently asked members of the Small Business Boss Squad what the #1 lead source was for their business, and overwhelming the answer was referrals.…

Online marketers

Episode 200: What Online Marketers Don’t Want You To Know

This is a very special episode of the Small Business Boss podcast because it’s episode 200 of the show.  I had no idea when I…

Growing a service business in 2020

Episode 199: Myths of Growing Your Services Business – The 2020 Edition

You can’t grow without a team. Your income will plateau. You’ve heard all the myths of a service business before, and in this new episode,…