Welcome to the BS Free Service Business Podcast

Image of phone showing the BS-Free Podcast playing

The BS-Free Service Business show (from BS Free Business®) is THE show for freelancers, creatives and agency owners. The show is designed to provide no BS insights into running a simple and sustainable services business.

If you work with clients and run a service business,

You're in the right place.

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on the Podcast

image of maggie with text that reads "how i really work with clients"

How I Really Work With Clients

Have you ever had a coach try to jam you and your business into a cookie-cutter system or blueprint? I know I have, and spoiler alert: it didn’t work. In this episode, we’re looking at the problem with these blueprints, and how when we work with clients of any kind we need to embrace the…

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image of people shaking hands with text that reads "trust first pricing principles"

Trust First Pricing Principles

Pricing your services can be a tricky balance of not overvaluing or undervaluing what you do. Here are some pricing principles to help you get started including a few that may surprise you.

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image of becca rich with text that reads "creating time freedom"

Creating Time Freedom and Breaking Free from the Hustle with Becca Rich

When it comes to entrepreneurship one of the most common images we see have to do with hustling harder and harder to make things happen. And sure, hustle will work, until it really doesn’t. In this episode, guest Becca Rich joins us to talk about how we can create time freedom, and how we can…

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image of business analytics and cash with text that reads "income claim marketing"

The Big Problem with Income Claim Marketing

Anyone can say their business makes 7 or eight figures, but how do you know for sure? Here’s what you need to know about income claim marketing including why it’s all about making the sale, and why we need to rethink our goals.

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Private Podcast

Red Mark Staying Solo 1
Staying Solo Logo Horizontal

Running a Simple and Sustainable Service Business

Sign up for this seven-episode private podcast to learn the proven, foundational strategies needed to build a sustainable business as a solo service business owner.

Staying Solo Private Podcast Mockup 1