image of nailah with text that reads "inclusive copywriting"

Inclusive Copywriting with Nailah Z. King

Things are changing. But has your marketing?  And what about your copy? As a writer, I’m always learning and evolving, especially when it comes to my word choice. That’s exactly why in this episode, Nailah King joins me to talk about inclusive copywriting including what it is, and how to get started on being more inclusive with your copy. 

Like our businesses, marketing, and even our language is ever evolving. As we move towards running more diverse, equitable and inclusive businesses, we need our marketing and copy to catch up too. Which is why I invited fellow copywriter Nailah King to join me on the show to talk about inclusive copy, and we had a lively discussion about people doing the bare minimum and how it’s not about ticking off boxes on a checklist.

Here’s a list of the questions we covered:

  1. Inclusive copywriting — what is it, and why should we as business owners be concerned about it? 
  2. Shifting how we write copy can feel intimidating for a lot of people, so what’s a simple place for people to start? 
  3. I know you do inclusive copy audits. What kind of things do you look for with those so that our listeners can start becoming more aware of where they need to be writing in a more inclusive way? 
  4. What do you want everyone to know about writing in a way that’s more inclusive, so their audience feels seen and included? 
  5. Where can we learn more about you and the work you do?

About Nailah Z King

Nailah King (she/her) is the founder of The Content Witches. She is a Content Strategist and Storyteller. She helps create communities of belonging with inclusive and ethical words.

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