Tired of the Online Business Bullshit?
By bullshit, I mean the scammy status quo where celebrity entrepreneurs teach us to consume and exploit our way to so-called "freedom" but that really we're just replicating larger systems of oppression?
This collection of essays (and podcast episodes) dives into the online business status quo with actionable ideas designed to cut the BS.
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As the online business world grows so do its unethical practices. Here’s what you need to know about the dark side of the online business industry. This essay dives into the dark side of online business including mindset manipulation, insider secrets, weaponized sales and storytelling and invented authority.
Read More...MLMs, Cults, and Celebrity

We’ve all been sucked in by great marketing and bought something we didn’t need. Here’s what you need to know about the 2021 celebrity entrepreneur – what to watch for an how to spot one in the wild.
Read More...The online biz world tends to judge certain business models. Here’s what you need to know about the crossover between online businesses and MLMs, and there’s probably much more than you realize.
Read More...Online business and cults have a few things in common. Here are six lessons from cults that are applicable to the problems with online business.
Read More...Curated vulnerability and influencer culture is real. In this essay I dig into a book report on Rachel Hollis’ latest with numerous takeaways about who we trust.
Read More...It’d be an understatement to say that 2020 has changed everything. As our society and lives as we know it are forever altered, that bleeds over into our businesses. In the online business industry, I’m starting to see a shift that’s long overdue. More and more business owners are fed up, and are willing to…
Read More...Trust-Driven
Sales and Marketing

2022 is here, and a new year brings with it an opportunity for each of us to look at how we run our businesses and do things a little differently. In this episode, I’m digging into what I’ll be increasingly focusing on in the year to come, and calling on you to do the same.
Read More...2022 is here, and a new year brings with it an opportunity for each of us to look at how we run our businesses and do things a little differently. In this episode, I’m digging into what I’ll be increasingly focusing on in the year to come, and calling on you to do the same.
Read More...Pricing your services can be a tricky balance of not overvaluing or undervaluing what you do. Here are some pricing principles to help you get started including a few that may surprise you.
Read More...People want to hear your stories, but in a respectful, responsible way. Here are some ideas on how to best approach storytelling for business.
Read More...Too many businesses capitalize on our fears and use high-pressure tactics to get us to buy. Here’s the antidote to fear-based marketing and sales, which is building a business that puts trust first.
Read More...Knowing a business’ backstory helps you make informed decisions. Here’s my take on what running an ethical business really means, and sharing my backstory.