Welcome to the BS Free Service Business Podcast

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The BS-Free Service Business show (from BS Free Business®) is THE show for freelancers, creatives and agency owners. The show is designed to provide no BS insights into running a simple and sustainable services business.

If you work with clients and run a service business,

You're in the right place.

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on the Podcast

Psychology of pricing

Episode 147: The Psychology of Pricing with Melina Palmer

If there’s one thing that service business owners struggle with, it’s pricing our services. We have so much wrapped up in pricing and the story around it, that it can be hard to charge what we should be charging and to stand in our value. To help with that challenge, I recently sat down with…

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Productivity strategies

Episode 146: My 5 Favorite Productivity Strategies

In January, it’s all the rage to focus on building new habits — including those that help us better manage our time and be more productive. In this episode, I’m delving into my five favorite productivity strategies, a few of which may surprise you. We’ve all heard it. The drumbeat where we’re supposed to be…

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Getting ready for 2019

Episode 145: Getting Ready for 2019 as a Service Business Owner

Happy 2019! And let me guess — you’re ready for everything to magically transform once the ball drops! Yeah, I hear you. So in this episode, as we ring in the New Year, I’m sharing how to get ready for 2019 as a service business owner — the good, the awesome and how to turn…

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Adding retainer revenue

Episode 144: Adding Retainer Revenue with Sandra Tournemille

Retainers are one of those things that can be elusive to business owners, so in this episode, my guest Sandra Tournemille is going to share her experiences with adding retainer revenue and so much more. Let’s do this. Sandra’s Bio:Sandra Tournemille is a digital artist with a Bachelors of Media Art (Animation) from the distinguished…

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Private Podcast

Red Mark Staying Solo 1
Staying Solo Logo Horizontal

Running a Simple and Sustainable Service Business

Sign up for this seven-episode private podcast to learn the proven, foundational strategies needed to build a sustainable business as a solo service business owner.

Staying Solo Private Podcast Mockup 1