Welcome to the BS Free Service Business Podcast

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The BS-Free Service Business show (from BS Free Business®) is THE show for freelancers, creatives and agency owners. The show is designed to provide no BS insights into running a simple and sustainable services business.

If you work with clients and run a service business,

You're in the right place.

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on the Podcast

Three Word Rebellion

Episode 159: Your Three Word Rebellion with Michelle Mazur

If you think that your message as a service business owner doesn’t matter — think again. It matters more than you may realize! In this episode, guest Michelle Mazur shares why every boss needs a clear message and how to find your Three Word Rebellion. This time last year when Michelle shared with me her…

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January 2019 recap

Episode 158: January 2019 Recap

Bosses, here we go, the first recap episode of 2019! We’re going to dive into the month that was for Scoop Studios and Small Business Boss. Let’s do it. I started my year with the word of the year READY, and man, was I ready for the year to start. And now 31 days in,…

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Client proposal

Episode 157: Creating a High-Performance Client Proposal

If there’s one thing that causes service business owners stress, it’s writing proposals — and with good reason. At the proposal stage, you pretty much want to win the business, and there’s a lot tied up in how the client reacts to the final product. In this episode, I’m going to share with you exactly…

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high touch client experience

Episode 156: Delivering a High Touch Client Experience with Natasha Vorompiova

As a service business owner, you want to always ensure that you’re providing an amazing client experience. But where’s the line between high touch and what we should automate? Where should we focus on automation and where do we do things manually? In this episode, Natasha from Systems Rock is going to help us figure…

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Private Podcast

Red Mark Staying Solo 1
Staying Solo Logo Horizontal

Running a Simple and Sustainable Service Business

Sign up for this seven-episode private podcast to learn the proven, foundational strategies needed to build a sustainable business as a solo service business owner.

Staying Solo Private Podcast Mockup 1