Welcome to the BS Free Service Business Podcast

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The BS-Free Service Business show (from BS Free Business®) is THE show for freelancers, creatives and agency owners. The show is designed to provide no BS insights into running a simple and sustainable services business.

If you work with clients and run a service business,

You're in the right place.

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on the Podcast

Building an agency

Episode 186: What You Really Need to Know About Building an Agency

When you’re building a business built on services, at some point in your journey, you’re going to start to have questions about how you can grow. How you can serve more clients. How you can make more money.  Enter the idea of building a team and creating an agency to help you continue to grow.…

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Sales as a freelancer

Episode 185: Stop Sucking at Sales as a Freelancer

If there’s one thing that makes all the difference in your business as a freelancer, it’s having sales skills. Yet most of us don’t have sales experience when we start a business, or worst yet, we have all kinds of stories about how we suck at sales. In this episode, we’re getting specific about how…

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Online Business Owners: Can We Stop Pretending Already

Online Business Owners: Can We Stop Pretending Already?

Over the last few months, my love/hate relationship social media has intensified to the point where I find myself actively avoiding social media. When I try to psych myself up to open up Instagram or Facebook, I feel dread creeping in. Trust me when I tell you, this isn’t a good thing as social media…

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Recap August 2019

Episode 184: The Recap: August 2019

It’s time for the recap! In this episode, we’re going behind-the-scenes, and I’m sharing what happened in August — the good, the uncomfortable, and the unexpected. I’m a few days into September when I’m recording this, and honestly, I don’t know how to feel about August. It was bittersweet with summer coming to a close,…

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Private Podcast

Red Mark Staying Solo 1
Staying Solo Logo Horizontal

Running a Simple and Sustainable Service Business

Sign up for this seven-episode private podcast to learn the proven, foundational strategies needed to build a sustainable business as a solo service business owner.

Staying Solo Private Podcast Mockup 1