Keep your momentum going

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Episode 107: How to Keep your Momentum Going

We’re deep into Q2, and you’re on a roll, but what happens when summer begins and your momentum wains? In this episode, we’re sharing some specific ways to keep rocking and rolling all summer long.

This time of year can potentially be dangerous for freelancers, creatives, consultants and many service providers. After four months of solid work, summer creeps up on you… and summer doesn’t necessarily have to mean slower, but it does mean you need to be intentional about what you want to happen over the next 3-4 months.

I feel like this episode should be called the “choose your own adventure” summer business edition.

This time can be dicey if you’re not sure how to handle the upcoming months. Traditionally, summer = slowdown for many businesses, but that doesn’t have to be the case. In fact, I went full-time in my business about this time of year, and I had a very healthy summer of revenue.

These don’t work for just summer but anytime you’re heading into a season of somewhat uncertainty.

I’m pretty sure EVERY summer we talk about how it’s gonna slow down…and then it doesn’t because we stay focused on our bottom line.


  • When the rest of the world is naturally slowing down a bit, if you want to get ahead or grow, it can be an opportunity to go against the flow.
  • If you put in some creative hustle like I did my first few months in business, you CAN actually grow during the summer months.
  • Because there are potentially fewer people taking on new clients, it’s a chance for you to scoop up some more business.
  • This does depend in part on your industry, but most industries out there have some activity happening in the summer.
  • Let people know you’re taking on summer clients. Some folks assume that small solo operations aren’t going to be doing much work in the summer.
  • Get creative. If you work virtually, remember that there are many other places you can reach than just those in your proverbial backyard. For example, they’re heading into winter in Australia.


  • Somewhat similar to Grow in that you’re planning to use this as a time to get ahead.
  • It typically means turning inward rather than finding new clients — at least on the onset.
  • If your revenue is sustainable and at least somewhat stable, then you can use your extra “hustle” to create something for your business. Maybe it’s a new service or offering, an infoproduct, or just finally getting your internal operations handled by creating a manual.
  • Do not choose this unless your revenue is sustainable. If you try to do this while also trying to grow, you’re going to have split focuses. Trust us, we’ve been there. (*Ahem, mega course creation in 2015 that cost me dearly.)
  • Create an outline or plan just like you would for anything else in your business. Set milestones for each month or week to keep yourself on track.
  • Think ahead — is there something you want to be able to offer in the fall or an opportunity for your industry leading into winter that you want to take advantage of?
  • This doesn’t *have* to be directly tied to creating something that makes you money. Sometimes we need creative outlets for the sake of expression and fulfillment. Just get clear on your goals for your Create season.


  • The default mode of choice for summer. And you know what? Ain’t no shame in choosing to fully relax and chill. Of course, make sure you’re not going to freak out money-wise come August.
  • Chilling can be a great way to recharge, reset, and gear up for a strong fall season.
  • Still set goals for your Chill season — just be realistic. Don’t expect to double your business while sipping pina coladas on the beach every other week.
  • Chill doesn’t have to mean checking out entirely. It can mean shorter weeks, half days, and a different overall pace.
  • If you know that a Chill season would be good for you, but it freaks you out a bit, try taking a random day off — like a Wednesday or a Friday — and observe “summer hours.” (Believe me, the world will NOT end.)
  • Figure out what it is that you need most from a period of Chill. Is it perspective? Sleep? Activity? Quality time with friends and family? Whatever it is, make sure you get it scheduled so you don’t wake up on Labor Day thinking, oh crap, I meant to chill, and I didn’t do any of the things that fill me up.

Couple of other things of note:

  • You can combine seasons but definitely have a main focus. For example, if your focus is to Chill, you might also create something, and that’s fine. Just be clear on which is the priority.
  • Keep an eye on expenses, especially if you’re planning to head into a slower season following some pretty strong months revenue-wise. Typically, this time of year brings on a more relaxed approach to business expenses.
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Maggie Patterson Abou the Author

I’m Maggie Patterson (she/her), and services businesses are my business.

I have 20+ years of experience with client services, am a consultant for agency owners, creatives, and consultants, and vocal advocate for humane business practices rooted in empathy, respect, and trust.

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