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Episode 89: Our Recap of 2017 and Our Biggest Lessons
2017 is nearly a wrap and we’re big fans of reflection, so in this episode, we’re taking you behind the scenes in our business to share our wins and lessons from the past year.
Here’s the scoop from Episode #89:
One of the things we’ve heard from you, our listeners, is that while you like learning strategies and tactics, you love a good behind the scenes. So starting today, we’re going to be sharing more of what’s really happening in our business.
We’re kicking that off with a recap of our wins, lessons and real truths about what went down in 2017.
We had quite a few wins this year so we’re sharing the ones we’re most proud of.
- Transitioned to more ideal clients and away from the constant launching clients. From a team perspective and a stress perspective, launching clients is really, really tough. Lots of things are beyond your control. We decided that even though we might be leaving money on the table, the sanity we would be saving for both us, our employees and our contractors, was way more important.
- Had our first full year of two full-time employees besides us. This helped us manage our next win which was….
- Successfully managed a maternity leave of one of our employees without backfilling. We’re super proud of that!
- Secured speaking gigs for both 2017 & 2018 in line with our priorities for next year (and if you want us to come speak, contact us!). No more hiding out for us!
- Developed clarity on what our vision for both Scoop and Small Business Boss really is. Hallelujah! They don’t have the same clients and we have been trying to do it as one thing and it just hasn’t worked. Now that we have clearly stated it as two things, the vision is so clear to us. This feels sooooo amazing!
- Worked with some of our favorite clients to date – yay! There have been some specific projects that have really stretched us and we feel so great about that.
- Hosted four in-person retreats for the Double It Mastermind. We didn’t think we could pull it off but we did – with great success too!
- Sold out our 2018 Double It Mastermind which we’re very proud of.
- Maintained modest growth in a year of transition. This year was a big year of change – and it was planned so no worries there – but maintaining some growth is a big relief for us.
- Both of us did some major work on ‘confidence’ and stepping into our roles as leaders – which is what ultimately helped empower us to go after gigs, etc. We’re both somewhat reluctant leaders (INTJs!) and doing work on this and getting out there has done us a world of good.
Even with plenty of wins, there are always lessons. Here’s a breakdown of what we learned this year.
- Taking time off (vacations) is a must. This was a big one for Brittany. This is so, so, SO important. Take the time to disconnect and recharge or you just won’t make it.
- For Maggie, she needed to realize that when it’s slow, embrace it. You don’t need to try to force other avenues that may not fit with your vision. That will just be more trouble than it’s worth.
- Brand clarity is key. As we mentioned before, we realized that we’re running two different companies – Scoop Studios & Small Business Boss.
- We tried some controlled experiments for possible future ventures/avenues but they ultimately reinforced for us a renewed commitment to simplicity and focus. By making these ventures short and controlled, we were able to determine quickly that it just wasn’t working for us and to adjust accordingly.
- Realizing our number one job is business development & visibility. Even if you’re building a service business, you’ve got to get out there. For us, that looks different than what most online business ‘gurus’ are telling you, so figure out what works for you and go after it.
- Networking isn’t as bad in real life as it seems in our heads. Making it a habit/game helps and it’s never as bad as we make it out to be when we’re hiding out in our home office.
- Patience. This business is a long game and it can take a long time to grow this. Sticking it out is really important.
- We’re really good at what we do, and getting out and mingling with others helps to remind us of that. When we stay stuck in our offices it’s very easy for us to spiral into despair.
- You can’t ignore your health. We have both dealt with issues this year and ignoring it will not make it go away. It WILL get worse – trust us. Maggie’s whole experience with her gallbladder (nicknamed Eddie, if you have been following her adventures) made her realize that you need to listen to your body and respect it. It’s the only one you have.
- You can’t put your business/life on hold around something that may or may not happen.
- Even if you’re bad at it, you have to celebrate. It’ll never be as shiny as you think, but celebrating is SO worth it. Whatever that means for you. You don’t need to justify it – just celebrate the small wins as well as the big ones. You’re further ahead from where you were, so congrats to you!!
Here’s to an amazing 2018! Join us next time to talk about what it will bring, at least for us.

I’m Maggie Patterson (she/her), and services businesses are my business.
I have 20+ years of experience with client services, am a consultant for agency owners, creatives, and consultants, and vocal advocate for humane business practices rooted in empathy, respect, and trust.
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