Ethics Over Easy: Succeed Without the Shady Shortcuts

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Ethics Over Easy: Succeed Without the Shady Shortcuts

How would it feel if every client trusted you completely? No hesitation, no second-guessing—just rock-solid trust.

That trust isn’t built by cutting corners or relying on shady tactics. If you want that deep, unwavering trust, you must ditch the overpromising, sketchy marketing, and pushy sales gimmicks that celebrity entrepreneurs push at every turn. 

It’s time to get honest about what works: building trust through honesty, delivering real value, and sticking to your values no matter what.

In this episode, I will show you why staying true to your values is ethical and the most powerful way to create lasting success.

Running a solo service business is challenging, and the temptation to take shady shortcuts is real.

Maybe you’ve felt it, too—seeing other people get quick wins by overpromising or using questionable marketing tactics, and you think, “Maybe that’s what I need to do to keep up.”

You might be tempted to bend the truth a little in your marketing, inflate your testimonials, or use pushy sales tactics to close a deal.

But here’s the thing: shady shortcuts might get you a win in the short term, but they will hurt you in the long run. They’ll lead to unhappy clients, damaged relationships, and a bad reputation that’s hard to shake.

You didn’t start your business to feel sleazy. You started it because you wanted to help people, and cutting corners won’t get you there.

The Myth of “This Is Just How It’s Done”

I want to address the elephant in the room—the idea that “this is just how it’s done.” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had heated conversations with people convinced that shady or even downright scammy tactics are necessary to succeed.

They argue it’s just part of the game, especially in specific industries. And, honestly, I get it. It’s easy to see why people fall into that line of thinking. 

We’re constantly bombarded by celebrity entrepreneurs who make their fortunes pushing questionable strategies. Their overhyped promises, inflated testimonials, and fake scarcity make it seem like that’s how everyone gets ahead.

When you’re watching them rake in big numbers with their bullshit tactics, you start to think that maybe this *is* normal. You may have to compromise your values to keep up because it’s what everyone else does, right?

Just because it’s become the norm in your industry—or at least seems like it—doesn’t mean it’s the right way to run your business.

It’s a recipe for disaster in the long run. You can chase the quick bucks with shady shortcuts, but eventually, the cracks will show. 

You’ll be left scrambling to repair broken relationships or your reputation.

When you operate ethically, you immediately stand out. Clients can sense when someone is being authentic. They know when they’re getting the real deal, which builds trust faster than any gimmick. By staying honest and transparent, you’re not just delivering what you promise—you’re fostering a level of confidence that those playing with shady tactics just can’t.

Your clients and community will come to know you as someone who won’t bait-and-switch them, someone who isn’t in it for the fast cash grab but is genuinely interested in delivering value and building genuine relationships.

That trust? It’s not just a feel-good bonus—it’s what creates loyalty. And that’s how you build a lasting business—on a foundation of trust and integrity that pays off for years.

What Are Ethics, and Why Do They Matter?

Let’s start with a simple question: what I we mean by ethics?

When we talk about ethics in business, we’re talking about the principles and standards you commit to—whether anyone’s watching or not.

Ethics are the foundation of your decision-making process, guiding how you interact with clients, market your services, and deliver on promises.

It’s not just about following the rules; it’s about doing what’s right, even when it’s inconvenient or difficult.

No one else can define your ethics for you. They’re personal to your business and should reflect what’s most important to you. I’m not here to give you a rigid rulebook, but honesty, respect, and empathy are always excellent places to start. These core values are the bedrock for making ethical decisions and building client trust.

When you’re running a solo business, you are your brand. Every interaction you have with a client is a direct reflection of you. So, if your company doesn’t operate with a solid ethical foundation, it will take a little while for cracks to show, and once your reputation takes a hit, it’s tough to recover.

But ethics aren’t just about avoiding disaster or legal trouble. They’re about something much deeper: building trust, and trust is everything.

In a competitive market, your clients need to feel confident that you’ll deliver on your promises, that you’ll act in their best interest, and that you genuinely care about their needs.

Trust is what turns one-off clients into long-term relationships. It’s what fuels word-of-mouth referrals and builds the kind of reputation that brings more opportunities your way.

Choosing Your Ethics Over Easy Wins

What’s in it for you when you choose ethics over easy wins? A lot!

Let’s start with one of the most significant benefits—higher-quality clients. When you run your business with integrity, you attract clients who value that. These aren’t the bargain-hunters or the people looking to squeeze every last drop out of you for the lowest price. 

These clients respect your boundaries, trust your expertise, and, most importantly, are willing to pay what you’re worth.

Why? Because they know what they’re getting with you. You’re setting clear expectations when you’re transparent and honest about what you can deliver. There’s no guessing game, no feeling like they’ve been tricked or misled. And that kind of trust is priceless.

It doesn’t stop there. Choosing ethics over shortcuts also boosts your reputation. Word travels fast—especially in business. People love to share good experiences with people they trust, and when you’re running an ethical operation, word-of-mouth referrals will come naturally.

Think about it: when did you last recommend someone who cut corners or used shady tactics?

People don’t just refer businesses that do a good job; they refer businesses they believe in. If someone trusts you enough to recommend you to their friends, family, or colleagues, that’s one of the strongest endorsements you can get.

The other equally important thing is your peace of mind. Running a business can be stressful, but that stress multiplies when you constantly juggle shady tactics or feel like you’re walking a tightrope between what’s right and what’s easy.

You’re always looking over your shoulder, wondering if a client will call you out or your reputation will suffer.

When you choose ethics over easy wins, that weight is lifted. You know you’re building something real, something solid. You can sleep at night knowing you’ve treated people fairly, been upfront, and delivered what you promised.

No sleazy tactics, no shortcuts—just honest work. And trust me, that kind of confidence and clarity is worth more than any quick win.

Plus, there’s a long-term payoff here. I’m the first to admit it might take a little longer to grow your business this way. But when you choose the ethical route, you’re building a foundation that can last.

Those quick wins? They disappear just as quickly. But when you build trust and operate with integrity, you’re creating something that can withstand the ups and downs of business.

Your Ethics Aren’t a “Nice to Have”—They’re Non-Negotiable

Building a business based on ethics isn’t just a “nice to have”—it’s the cornerstone of lasting success. Every client interaction, decision, and promise you make reflects directly on you and your business.

If you choose the shady shortcuts, you might get a few quick wins, but eventually the cracks will show. 

Ultimately, choosing ethics over easy wins isn’t just about doing the right thing for your clients—it’s about doing the right thing for yourself and your business. It’s about creating a sustainable solo service business you can be proud of.

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Maggie Patterson Abou the Author

I’m Maggie Patterson (she/her), and services businesses are my business.

I have 20+ years of experience with client services, am a consultant for agency owners, creatives, and consultants, and vocal advocate for humane business practices rooted in empathy, respect, and trust.

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